Right now, I am going through a transitioning period in my life and I am becoming the woman I was created to be. In other words, I am growing. In life, we never stop growing but sometimes we can be stagnant in our growth process and that can cause us to live a life that we are not made to live. I give all the credit to God for slowly but surely helping me to becoming who I am supposed to be. I do not know what some of y’all believe in but I am here to be transparent and honest, without my faith, I would be such a lost person. Life has a unique way of teaching us lessons; sometimes we do not connect the dots until afterwards. So many things about me has changed for the better, for example I use to be so petty and I mean PETTY! I had to have the last word, I did not try to look at anything from someone else’s point of view. Those are just some things that harmed my growth. I asked myself “Do these things matter? “Anne why go so hard in a conversation about nothing?” Why do I entertain people or things that are not worth my time? I had to look into the root of the issue and before I started pointing fingers at other people I had to look deep within myself.
Some people have a hard time with being honest with themselves and I sort of had that same issue too, until I realized that some habits are not worth keeping. Turning 25 this year really changed my perspective on life. I was having a mid-twenties crisis, 5 years away from turning 30 really scared me. I looked in the mirror and said to myself “Girl you have got to start taking things more seriously, like NOW!” What I did is I started spending a lot of time alone , I started learning more about myself and that is when I started to find myself. There were little things about me I let define me. I used to doubt myself so much, I use to think I set the bar too high for myself. I used to be the person who says things but never does the work. I either started something and never finished, half assed it or just too lazy to start doing it. I also had to take breaks from social media, MULTIPLE breaks. Social media can do a lot to you mentally, especially when you follow people who seem to have everything all together. Last but not least I accepted the fact that I was not happy with myself.
After looking on the inside and realizing what I needed to work on, I started looking on the outside, but I did not go on a witch hunt to finger point. What I did first was separate myself from people who did not understand my journey and people who were harming my journey. Why explain things to people who are never going to understand or refuse to at least TRY to understand you. Another thing about me that I learned is that I was a people pleaser, I put the happiness of others before my own and it became draining. I used to try to fix friendships with people who were not interested in fixing it. Go out to places because I didn’t want people to be upset that I did not show up. I was doing things for other people and I was not created to do that. So, I began eliminating the distractions and am still doing so as in the present moment. You will be amazed by how many distractions we can actually eliminate if we take the time to be real and identify the problems. You have more power then you think, it just takes a strong will.
On a personal note, I really started praying a lot, reading Bible plans and journaling. I was starting to get scared of what my future would be if I did not start living within my purpose, life without happiness. I am becoming a happier person, I want a lot for myself and I want a lot for my future, so I had to start making some changes. I did not feel so alone on this journey because God has been on my side, He never left. Oh YEAH podcasts have also been a big help and my amazing boyfriend.
What are changes that you think about?
Do you think you are becoming the woman you are meant to be?
Do you journal?