The unpopular truth...

Following the Bible is not easy nor popular. People always challenged the word of God, his existence and purpose. Before Christ was born, when he was alive and still till this day. This blog post is a little different from what I normally post but it has been something that has been on my mind heavily. This isn’t a think piece either. I took a 21 day social media fast in November to clear my mind, pray and focus on the end of the year.  It was getting harder for me to hear God’s voice. The post, memes and arguments were excessive also this talk of the “universe” was starting to annoy me. Why you ask? Because people use it in the same context as God. The one and only God that sent his son to die on the cross for our sins. Nowadays I have to be exact when I refer to God because people create their own “gods”. It sounds “like”, but they never mention Jesus. John 14 verse 6 says Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” You cannot get to God without acknowledging and accepting his son Jesus who died on the cross for our sins. With the constant misinformation shared online I have to hold myself accountable with what I share online. Not everyone is going to do the research.


It seems like the internet is trying to rebrand God by spreading words of positivity that kinda sound like something you would hear in a sermon or read in the Bible but without any context. But I am here to be CLEAR and HONEST with you. The “universe” cannot do NOTHING for you. God created the universe so therefore it is a creation just like you and me. Hence we cannot praise or worship it or put our faith in it. This post is not to shame people who believe in the “universe” it is to bring some clarity to the misconceptions that is shared online. The false message sounds so common that I have seen people who are Christians or people who believe in God use his name and the universe as if they are synonymous to each other. Romans 16:17-18 Says "I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them”. I am here to tell you that God is NOT synonymous to the universe. Reading the Bible in a translations that fits to your understanding will clarify that for you.


I use to burn sage in my apartment and one day I asked myself where did I get this practice from? Is it Biblical? Who told me to do it? And a bunch of other questions. Then I realized that I was just doing what I’ve seen other people do online. That is how easy it is to start doing things that God does not approve on. Sage or smudging does not get rid of negativity or bad energy. To be honest all it did was make my apartment stink. (No offense but burning sage smells bad based on the ones that I’ve burned) Also after burning sage I would just open my windows. So whatever bad energy I was trying to get rid of would have just come back in??


I write all of this to say be aware of the practices and beliefs that you start to practice and believe. If you want to serve a true living and never changing God follow Jesus. He will lead you to the right path.


2 Timothy 4:3-5.png